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The matter of giving names is one of the most important issues in people’s lives, because a person’s name is a title which says something about him, and is essential for communicating with him. It is an adornment and symbol for the person, by which he is called in this world and in the Hereafter. It is indicative of the religion to which he belongs, and makes him feel that he is one of the followers of that religion. It gives an impression of him to other people, and in their view it is like a garment – if it is too long or too short, it does not look right.

The basic principle concerning names is that they are permissible, but there are some matters which are prohibited according to sharee’ah and should be avoided when choosing names. [1] 

Before you decide a name for your child, it is good to consider some important details. Know that the name, which you decide for your child will stay with him all through his life, therefore the name you choose should not embarrass or humiliate his personality. [2]

Table of Contents

When should the child be named?

Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam) said: "Every child is held in pledge for his Aqeeqah which is sacrificed for him on his seventh day, and he is named on it and his head is shaved." [(Saheeh) by Shaikh al-Albanee (1165) Abu Dawood (vol: 2, no: 2831) and others]

Another narration in this aspect is related by Anas (radhiallahu anhu), who said: 'Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam) said: "A boy was born to me this night and I have given him the name of my forefather Ibraheem." [Saheeh Muslim (4/ 5733)]

Anas Ibn Malik (radhiallahu anhu) narrates in a long Hadeeth that Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam) named the son of Abu Talha, he said: The Prophet took a date, chewed it, took some of it out of his mouth, put it into the child's mouth and did Tahnik for him with that, and named him Abdullah." [Saheeh al-Bukharee (7/379)]

In light of these Ahaadeeth we understand that the child can be named on the first day of his birth or it can be delayed until the seventh day. However, what is recommended is to name the child on the seventh day, as such is related in the saying of Allah's Messenger r. Regarding the Hadeeth which mentions the Prophet's practice is taken as an evidence to prove that the child can be named before the seventh day.


1. Names that indicate servitude to Allah

A name with the first word Abd (slave) followed by any Name of Allah (which is established in the Qur'aan and the Sunnah) This indicates servitude to Allah, for e.g. Abd al-Ilaah means 'slave of the One True Lord' Abd al-Ghafoor, Abd al-Lateef, Abd al-Azeez, Abd al-Raheem, Abd al-Malik, etc. However, the best names in this category is 'Abd-Allaah' (the slave of Allah) and 'Abd al-Rahmaan' (the slave of the Rahmaan) as it was reported that the Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam) said: "The most beloved of names to Allaa are 'Abd-Allah and 'Abd al-Rahmaan." [Saheeh Muslim (1398)]

It is forbidden to use a name which is not known to be from the Perfect Names of Allah , like Abd al-Mawjood (the slave of the Present One), Abd al-Sattar, etc. This is because Allah's Names cannot be confirmed without an authentic text from the Qur'aan or the Sunnah. By doing so, we would end up giving Names to Allah, which are not affirmed for Him.

Note: It is Makrooh to use any word with the name of Allah except 'Abd', like 'Rahmat Allah' (the Blessings of Allah).

2. Names of Prophets and Messengers

The second priority is given to the names of the Prophets and Messengers. Amongst them, first comes the name of our Messenger, Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam). (Ahmad is also one of his names).

Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam) said: "You may name with my name." [Saheeh al-Bukharee (8/206) and Saheeh Muslim (3/53254)]

Then next are the 'Messengers of strong will' [Soorah al-Ahqaaf (46): 35] namely, Ibraheem, Moosa, Eesa and Nooh, then the rest of the Prophets (alaihim as-salaam).

Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam) himself followed this principle and named his son after Ibraheem (alaihis-salaam), he said: "A son was born to me this night and I called him after my forefather, Ibraheem." [Saheeh Muslim (4/5733)]

3. Names of righteous slaves of Allah

The Sahabah (the Companions of Allah's Messenger), the Shuhadah (Martyrs) and the Ulama (Scholars). Above all are the Sahabah (radhiyallahu anhu); it is Mustahabb (preferable) to name after them, hoping to follow their example, attaining righteousness and high status.

4. Any good name

The last category suggests those good names, which have a good and pleasant meaning, and are easily pronounced. Examples of such names are Khalid, Usaamah and for girls are Sarah, Su'ad, etc.


This category includes Haraam names; therefore anyone who has any of these names is obliged to change it

1. Names indicating servitude to other than Allah.

Islam forbids worshiping anyone or anything other than Allah, therefore any name, which shows any servitude to anybody except Him must be avoided, whether it be Prophets, Angels or a leader, like Abd al-Rasool (slave of the Messenger), Abd an-Nabi (slave of the Prophet), or Abd Al-Ameer (slave of the prince).

The great Sahabee (Companion of Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam)), Abd al-Rahmaan Ibn Awf (radhiallahu anhu) said: "My name was Abd Amr - or according to one report, Abd al-Ka'bah and when I became Muslim, the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam) called me 'Abd al-Rahmaan." [Narrated by al-Haakim (3/306)]

Also, Haani' Ibn Yazeed (radhiallahu anhu) said: "A delegation came to the Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam) and he heard them calling someone 'Abd al-Hajar (slave of the stone). He asked him: 'What is your name?" and he said, 'Abd al-Hajar.' He said, "No, you are Abd-Allaah (the slave of Allah).'" [See Al-Mawsoo'ah al-Fiqhiyyah (11/335)]

It is mentioned in Kashshaaf al-Qinaa': "They (the scholars) agreed that every name which implies enslavement to anything other than Allaah is forbidden (Haraam), such as 'Abd al-'Uzza, 'Abd 'Amr, 'Abd 'Ali, 'Abd al-Ka'bah, and any other similar names, such as 'Abd al-Nabi (slave of the Prophet), 'Abd al-Husayn, 'Abd al-Maseeh (slave of the Messiah)." [Haashiyat Ibn Aabideen 5/268; Mughni al-Muhtaaj, 4/295; Tuhfat al-Muhtaaj, 10/373; Kashshaaf al-Qinaa', 3/27]

2. Names befitting Allah Alone

According to the consensus of the scholars names which are particular to Allah alone are Haraam to be used, like al-Quddoos (the Most Holy), al-Khaliq (the Creator), al-Raaziq (the Provider), al-Rabb (the Lord), al-Rahmaan (the Most Merciful), etc.,

Also names, which are Attributes of Allah alone, like Malik al-Mulook (King of kings), al-Qaahir (the Subduer), etc. because Allah says: "Do you know of any who is similar to Him?" [Soorah Maryam (19): 65]

The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam) said: 'The most despised name with Allah on the Day of Resurrection will be a man called Malik al-Mulook." [Saheeh al-Bukharee]

According to a report in Saheeh Muslim, he (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam) said: "The man who will be most deserving of Allah's anger and most evil on the Day of Resurrection will be a man who was called Malik al-Amlaak. There is no King except Allah."

It is also forbidden to use names, which befit no one except the Prophet, such as Rahmat lil-Alameen (Mercy for the world), Sayyid Walad Adam (master of the sons of Adam), Sayyid al-Naas (master of mankind), Sayyid al-Kull (master of all)etc. because these names befit no one except him.

3. Names, which exclusively belong to the Kuffar

Foreign names, which have no basis in the Arabic and are particular to the Kuffar and other names, which denote religions of Kufr are all forbidden. Such is because these names cause imitating the Kuffar and might sooner or later create a feeling of closeness and love for them.

The temptation to use such names is very strong in our time, but this is a big sin and a sign of humiliation and defeat - It is imitating the Kuffar. If taking their names is due to whims and desires, then no doubt, it is a major sin.

And the person should be reminded the Hadeeth of Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam) said: "He who imitates a people is one of them." [Saheeh al-Bukharee] and if using such names is because one actually believes that these names are better than the Muslim names, then this will take him away from Islam!

In either case, the person who has done this must hasten to repent. (changing the name is a condition of repentance)

4. Names of Idols and false gods are all Haraam.


The following types of names are Makrooh meaning undesired, if somebody has one of them, he should change it. But if it is difficult for him to do so, then he is not obliged.

(a) Names, which are too soft, charming or have provocative meaning, especially for the girls, like Ghaadah (delicate young woman), Huyaam (one passionately in love), Shaadiyah (female singer), etc.

(b) Names of immoral people, such as singers and actors. This is a sign of foolishness and lack of pride in one's faith, which is often seen when a particular show or a movie becomes famous, people compete with one another to name their newborns after these women and actors.

If these people have names carrying good meanings, then it is permissible to use them, but not in their imitation but for the good meaning!

(c) Names, which convey any kind of sin or refer to sinners and tyrants, like 'Saariq' (thief) or 'Zaalim' (wrongdoer), Fir'awn, Haamaan, Qaroon, etc. It is also forbidden to use names of devils (shayaateen), such as Khanzab, al-Walhaan, al-A'war and al-Ajda'

(d) Names of animals, which are well known for their undesirable characteristics, such as al-Himaar (donkey), al-Kalb (dog), al-Qird (monkey), etc.

In the previous times, the Arabs would call their children by names of animals but it was only because of the good qualities found in those animals, and this was the desired meaning. So, when they used the name Kalb (dog), it was because of the dog's alertness and ability to work hard; when they used the name Himaar (donkey), it was because of the donkey's patience and forbearance, and so on…

(e) Names with ugly and undesirable meaning, which might sound odd and provoke others to make fun of the person and cause him embarrassment, like 'Harb' (war), Sahaam (summer heat). Using such names is against the teachings of the Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam), who taught us to use beautiful names,

he (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam) said: "On the day of Resurrection you will be called by your names and your fathers names, so make your names good." [Musnad Ahmad (5/194).

It's isnaad is declared 'Hasan' (good) by Imaam an-Nawawi and Ibn al-Qayyim. However, it was declared weak by Shaikh al-Albanee and others]

(f) Any name, which is added to the word 'Deen' or 'Islam' (i.e., names which appear in idaafah genitive construction with these words) such as Noor al-Deen (light of the religion), Shams al-Deen (sun of the religion), Sayf al-Islam (Sword of Islam), Imaam ad-Deen (Imaam of the Religion), etc. because of the great status attached to these two words and also because such names give a person more than what he deserves. Therefore, some scholars ruled it Haraam, while majority say it is Makrooh.

This practice of using the words 'Deen' and 'Islam' along with one's name was started with giving such titles to learned men. Later people started using them as first names.

Shaikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (Rahimahullah) was known as 'Taqiy al-Deen' (piety of the religion), he disliked it and he would say: "But my family gave me this nickname and it became well-known." Similarly, Imaam an-Nawawi (rahimahullah) disliked his nickname 'Muhiy al-Deen' (reviver of the religion).

(g) Names of Angels - It is disliked to use the names of Angels, particularly for girls because it implies imitation of the Mushrikeen, who considered Angels as daughters of Allaah. (Na'aodhu billah).

(h) Names of Qur'aanic Soorahs, such as Ta-Ha and Yaa-Seen because these words are al-Huroof al-Muqatta'ah (letters which appear at the beginning of some Soorahs and their meaning is known to Allaah Alone)

[See Tuhfat al-Mawdood by Ibn al-Qayyim (rahimahullah), p 109] (The notion that Ya-Seen and Ta-Ha are names of the Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam) is false.)

Scholars view

Al-Bukhaari was of the view that the one who intends to offer an ‘aqeeqah should delay the naming until the time of the ‘aqeeqah on the seventh day, but the one who does not intend to offer an ‘aqeeqah should name the child on the first day. 

Ibn Hajar said in Fath al-Baari (9/588): 

This is a fine reconciliation (of reports) which I have not seen from anyone but al-Bukhaari. End quote. 

Al-‘Iraaqi said in Tarh al-Tathreeb (5/203-204): 

This (that it is mustahabb on the seventh day) was the view of al-Hasan al-Basri, Maalik, al-Shaafa’i, Ahmad and others. Our companions said: There is nothing wrong with naming him before that. 

Muhammad ibn Sireen, Qataadah and al-Awzaa’i said: If he is born and is fully formed, he may be given a name straight away, if they wish. 

Ibn al-Mundhir said: Naming him on the seventh day is good, but whenever they wish they may name him. 

Ibn Hazm said: He may be named on the day of his birth, but if it is delayed and he is named on the seventh day, that is good. 

Ibn al-Muhallab said: It is permissible to name him when he is born or after that, unless it is intended to offer the ‘aqeeqah on his behalf on the seventh day, in which case the Sunnah is to delay it until the seventh day. That is understood from what al-Bukhaari said when he named a chapter: Chapter on naming the newborn on the day of his birth for one who does not offer ‘aqeeqah. End quote. 

Whatever the case, all of the above indicates that the matter is either mustahabb or permissible, and there is nothing to suggest that it is obligatory to give the child his name on the seventh day. If the naming is delayed beyond the seventh day, there is nothing wrong with that. 

Al-Nawawi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in al-Majmoo’ (8/415): Our companions and others said: It is mustahabb to name the child on the seventh day, and it is permissible to do it before then or after. The saheeh ahaadeeth clearly show that. [4]


This article is based on answers by prominent scholars like, Shaikh Muhammad Ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen (Majmoo Fataawa wa Rasa'il Fadeelat), Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd (Mu'jam al-Manaahi al-Lafziyyah), Shaykh Abd al-Aziz Ibn Abdullah Ibn Baaz (Kitaab Majmoo Fataawa wa Maqaalaat Mutanawwi'ah li Samaahat), Shaikh Muhammad S. Al-Munajjad and others.


[2] [3]


Baby names based on the names and attributes of Allaah






     عَبْدُ الرَّحْمٰن

Abdur Rahmaan

     بڑے مہربان کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الرَّحِيْم

Abdur Raheem

     نہایت رحم کرنے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ المَلِك

Abdul Malik

     بادشاہ کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ القُدُّوْس

Abdul Quddoos

     نہایت پاک کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ السَّلَام

Abdus Salaam

     سلامتی دینے والا / عیبوں سے پاک والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ المُؤْمِن

Abdul Mu’min

     امن دینے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ المُهَيْمِن

Abdul Mohaimin

     نگہبان/غالب رہنے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ العَزِيْز

Abdul Azeez

     غالب رہنے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الجَبَّار

Abdul Jabbaar

     زور آور/زبردست ذات کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ المُتَكَبِّر

Abdul Mutakabbir

     بڑائی والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الخَالِق

Abdul Khaliq

     پیدا کرنے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ البَارِئ

Abdul Baari’

     وجود بخشنے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ المُصَوِّر

Abdul Musawwir

     صورت بنانے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الأَوَّل

Abdul Awwal

     وہ ذات جواول  ہے اس کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الآخِر

Abdul Aakhir

     وہ ذات جو آخر ہے اس کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الظَّاهِر

Abduz Zaahir

     سب سے اونچا جس پر کوئی نہیں ایسی ذات کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ البَاطِن

Abdul Baatin

     وہ ذات جو باطن ہے اس کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ السَّمِيْع

Abdus Samee’

     سننے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ البَصِيْر

Abdul Baseer

     دیکھنے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ المَوْلٰى

Abdul Maula

     مالک اور مددگار کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ النَّصِيْر

Abdun Naseer

     بہت مدد کرنے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ العَفُوّ

Abdul Afuw

     درگزر کرنے والا/معاف کرنے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ القَدِيْر

Abdul Qadeer

     قدرت والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ اللَّطِيْف

Abdul Lateef

     باریک بیں/لطف و کرم والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الخَبِيْر

Abdul Khabeer

     بڑے با خبر کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الوِتْر

Abdul Witr

     وہ ذات جو اکیلی ہے اس کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الجَمِيْل

Abdul Jameel

     وہ ذات جو حسن والی ہے اس کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الحَيِيّ

Abdul Hayiy

     وہ ذات جوباحیا ہے اس کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ السِّتِّيْر

Abdus Sitteer

     پردہ ڈالنے والی ذات کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الكَبِيْر

Abdul Kabeer

     کبریائی والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ المُتَعَال

Abdul Muta’aal

     وہ ذات جو بلندہے اس کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الوَاحِد

Abdul Waahid

     وہ ذات جو ایک ہے اس کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ القَهَّار    

Abdul Qahhaar

     غلبہ والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الحَقّ    

Abdul Haqq

     حق کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ المُبِيْن

Abdul Mubeen

     واضح کرنے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ القَوِيّ

Abdul Qawiy

     طاقتور کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ المَتِيْن

Abdul Mateen

     زور آور کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الحَيّ

Abdul Hai

     وہ ذات جو زندہ ہے اس کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ القَيُّوْم

Abdul Qayyoom

     جو خود قائم ہے اور دوسروں کو قائم رکھا ہوا ہے اس کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ العَلِيّ

Abdul Ali

     جو ذات بلند ہے اس کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ العَظِيْم

Abdul Azeem

     عظمت والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الشَّكُوْر

Abdush Shakoor

     قدردان کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الحَلِيْم

Abdul Haleem

     بردبار کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الوَاسِع

Abdul Waase’

     جو ذات کشادہ ہے اس کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ العَلِيْم

Abdul Aleem

     وہ ذات جو باخبر ہے اس کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ التَّوَّاب

Abdut Tawwaab

     بہت زیادہ توبہ قبول کرنے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الحَكِيْم

Abdul Hakeem

     نہایت حکمت والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الغَنِيّ    

Abdul Ghani

     وہ ذات جوبے نیاز ہے اس کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الكَرِيْم

Abdul Kareem

     کرم کرنے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الأَحَد 

Abdul Ahad

     وہ ذات جو یکتا  ہے اس کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الصَّمَد

Abdus Samad

     وہ ذات جو بے نیاز ہے اس کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ القَرِيْب    

Abdul Qareeb

     وہ ذات جو قریب ہے اس کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ المُجِيْب    

Abdul Mujeeb

     قبول کرنے والے/جواب دینےوالے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الغَفُوْر    

Abdul Ghafoor

     بخشنے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الوَدُوْد    

Abdul Wadood

     محبت کرنے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الوَلِيّ    

Abdul Wali

     وہ ذات جو قریب/مددگار ہے اس کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الحَمِيْد    

Abdul Hameed

     تعریفوں والے  کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الحَفِيْظ    

Abdul Hafeez

     حفاظت کرنے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ المَجِيْد    

Abdul Majeed

     بڑی شان والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الفَتَّاح    

Abdul Fattaah

     بند کھولنے والے/بگڑی بنانے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الشَّهِيْد    

Abdush Shaheed

     گواہی دینے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ المُقَدِّم    

Abdul Muqaddim

     آگے کرنے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ المُؤَخِّر

Abdul Muakhir

     پیچھے کرنے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ المَلِيْك    

Abdul Maleek

     بادشاہ کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ المُقْتَدِر    

Abdul Muqtadir

     اقتدار والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ المُسَعِّر    

Abdul Musa’er

     قیمتوں کو طئےکرنے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ القَابِض    

Abdul Qaabiz

     تنگی سے رزق دینے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ البَاسِط    

Abdul Baasit

     کشادگی عطا کرنے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الرَّازِق    

Abdur Raaziq

     رزق دینے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ القَاهِر    

Abdul Qaahir

     وہ ذات جو غالب/زبردست ہے اس کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الدَّيَّان    

Abdud Dayyaan

     بدلہ دینے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الشَّاكِر    

Abdush Shaakir

     وہ ذات جو قدردان ہے اس کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ المَنَّان    

Abdul Mannaan

     بندہ نواز/نوازنے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ القَادِر    

Abdul Qaadir

     قدرت رکھنے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الخَلاَّق    

Abdul Khallaaq

     پیدا کرنے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ المَالِك    

Abdul Maalik

     مالک کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الرَّزَّاق    

Abdur Razzaaq

     رزق دینے والے/داتا کا بندہ    


     عَبْدُ الوَكِيْل    

Abdul Wakeel

     وہ ذات جو کارساز ہے اس کا بندہ    


     عَبْدُ الرَّقِيْب    

Abdur Raqeeb

     وہ ذات جو نگہبان ہے اس کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ المُحْسِن    

Abdul Muhsin

     احسان کرنے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الحَسِيْب    

Abdul Haseeb

     نگران /حساب لینے والے /کافی کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الشَّافِيْ    

Abdush Shaafi

     شفاء دینے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الرَّفِيْق    

Abdur Rafeeq

     نرمی کرنے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ المُعْطِيْ    

Abdul Mu’tee

     عطا کرنے والے/داتا کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ المُقِيْت    

Abdul Muqeet

     سب کو غذا دینے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ السَّيِّد    

Abdus Sayyid

     سردار کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الطَّيِّب    

Abdut Tayyib

     وہ ذات جو پاک ہے اس کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الحَكَم    

Abdul Hakam

     فیصلہ کرنے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الأكْرَم    

Abdul Akram

     خوب عطا کرنے والے/معزز کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ البَرّ    

Abdul Barr

     خوب رحم و کرم والے/بڑے محسن کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الغَفَّار    

Abdul Ghaffaar

     بڑا بخشنے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الرَّءُوْف    

Abdur Raoof

     شفقت ورحم کرنے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الوَهَّاب    

Abdul Wahhaab

     بڑا عطا کرنے والے/داتا کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الجَوَاد    

Abdul Jawad

     خوب دینے والے کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ السُّبُّوح

Abdus Subbooh

     وہ ذات جوبے عیب ہے اس کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الوَارِث    

Abdul Waaris

     حقیقی مالک کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الرَّبّ    

Abdur Rabb

     پالنہار /پروردگار کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الأَعْلٰى    

Abdul A’laa

     وہ ذات جوبلند ہے اس کا بندہ


     عَبْدُ الإِلٰه

Abdul Ilaah

     حقیقی معبود کا بندہ


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