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Judaism is one of the major Semitic religions. Its followers are known as Jews and they believe in the prophetic mission of Prophet Moses (pbuh). Judaism is a monotheistic religion ie, they believe in one God. Judaism traces its heritage to the covenant God made with Abraham and his lineage — that God would make them a sacred people and give them a holy land. The primary figures of Israelite culture include the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the prophet Moses(PBUT). The Bible basically consists of 2 parts, Old Testament and the New Testament. Old Testament is believed to be the religious scripture of Jews and Old &New Testaments together is religious Scripture of all the Christians in the world, irrespective of their different denominations, cults and schools of thoughts.


Table of Contents


Prophet Muhammad ﷺ  in the Old Testament

1. Book of Deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 18:

Almighty God speaks to Moses in Book of Deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 18:

It says "I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and I will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him."

The Christians say that this prophecy refers to Jesus (Peace be upon Him) because Jesus was like Moses (Peace be upon Him). Moses was a Jew, as well as Jesus was a Jew according to them which they can never prove. Moses was a Prophet and Jesus was also a Prophet.

If these two are the only criteria for this prophecy to be fulfilled, then all the Prophets of the Bible who came after Moses such as Solomon, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Malachi, John the Baptist, etc. (Peace be upon Them) will fulfill this prophecy since all were Jews as well as prophets.

However, it is Prophet Muhammad ﷺwho is like Moses and not Jesus(PBUT) because


i. Both Moses and  Prophet Muhammad ﷺhad a father and a mother, while Jesus was born miraculously without any male intervention as mentioned in Mathew 1:18 and Luke 1:35 and also Qur’an.Surah A’le Imran 3:42-47


ii. Both were married and had children. Jesus according to the Bible did not marry nor had children


iii. Both died natural deaths. Jesus has been raised up alive. Hebrew 5:7-8 and Surah Nisa 4:157-158)


iv. Prophet Muhammad ﷺis from among the brethren of Moses. Arabs are brethren of Jews. Prophet Ibraheemعليه السلامhad two sons: Ishmail and Isaaq (Peace be upon Them). The Arabs are the descendants of Ishmail and the Jews are the descendants of Isaac


v. Words in the mouth. Prophet Muhammad ﷺwas unlettered and whatever revelations he received from Almighty Allah he repeated them verbatim."I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him." Deuteronomy 18:18


vi. Both besides being Prophets were also kings i.e. they could inflict capital punishment. Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world." As mentioned in Gospel according to John 18:36


vii. Both were accepted as Prophets by their people in their lifetime but Jesus was rejected by his people. If you read John chapter 1 verse 11 states, "He came unto his own, but his own received him not."


viii. Both brought New Laws for their people but according to the Bible Jesus did not bring any New Laws as mentioned in book of Mathew 5:17-18


2. Book of Isaiah 29:12

It is mentioned in the book of Isaiah chapter 29 verse 12:

"And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned."


When the angel Jibreel عليه السلامtold Muhammad ﷺby saying Iqra - "Read", He replied, "I am not learned".


3. Songs of Solomon chapter 5 verse 16

Prophet Muhammad ﷺis mentioned by name in the old Testament Songs of Solomon chapter 5 verse 16:


It reads "Hikko Mamittakim we kullo Muhammadim Zehdoodeh wa Zehraee Bayna Jerusalem."


"His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem."


In the Hebrew language ‘Im’is added for respect. Similarely Imis added after the name of Prophet Muhammad ﷺto make it Muhammadim. In English they have translated the name Muhammadim as "altogether lovely". But a proper known should not be translated. But in Hebrew Bible the name Muhammadim  is still present.



Those who follow the Apostle, the unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in their own Scriptures, in the Torah and the Gospel ... "[Qur'an.Surah Araf 7:157]


The Awaited Prophet was to Come from Arabia

Deuteronomy 33:1-2 combines references to Moses, Jesus and Muhammad(Peace be upon them all). It speaks of God (i.e. God's revelation) coming from Sinai, rising from Seir (probably the village of Sa'ir near Jerusalem) and shining forth from Paran. According to Genesis 21:21, the wilderness of Paran was the place where Ishmael settled (i.e. Arabia, specifically Makkah). Indeed the King James Version of the Bible mentions the pilgrims passing through the valley of Ba'ca (another name for Makkah) in Psalms 84:4-6. Isaiah 42:1-13 speaks of the beloved of God. His elect and messenger who will bring down a law to be awaited in the isles and who "shall not fail nor be discouraged till he have set judgement on the earth." Verse 11 connects that awaited one with the descendants of Ke'dar. Who is Ke'dar? According to Genesis 25:13, Ke'dar was the second son of Ishmael, the ancestor of prophet Muhammad.


Muhammad's Migration from Makkah to Madinah: Prophesied in the Bible?

Habakkuk 3:3 speaks of God (God's help) coming from Te'man (an Oasis North of Madinah according to J. Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible), and the sacred one coming from Paran. That sacred one who was under persecution migrated from Paran (Makkah) to be received enthusiastically in Madinah was none but Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Indeed the incident of the migration of the prophet and his persecuted followers is vividly described in Isaiah 21:13-17. That section foretold as well about the battle of Badr in which the few ill-armed faithful miraculously defeated the "mighty" men of Ke'dar, who sought to destroy Islam and intimidate their own folks who turned to Islam.


Was the Shift of Religious Leadership Prophesied?

Following the rejection of the last Israelite prophet, Jesus, it was about time that God's promise to make Prophet Ishmael عليه السلامa great nation to be fulfilled (Genesis 21:13, 18).



There are many similar verses from the Bible which gives an indication of the Prophecy of Prophet Muhammad ﷺin the Bible.


See Also

Muhammad ﷺ; Prophets in Islam; What Eminent Non Muslims say about Prophet Muhammad ; INTRODUCTION TO JUDAISM; Concept of God in JUDAISM; Festivals of JUDAISM



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