ATHEISTThe human beings today are found to be divided into 2 groups. First are those people who believe in the existence of God, and they are called as THEIST. The second are those people who don’t believe in the existence of God, and they are called as ATHEIST.
Atheism in general means to “disbelieve” in the Existence of a Supreme Creator/God. It usually banks upon the Theory of Evolution to present its philosophy. Atheists hold that this concept that universe is all “by itself” and doesn’t have any Creator behind it i.e., there is No God.
Scientific and Logical Examination of Atheism Atheists believe in a “scientific” analysis of every claim and theological principle. So let us employ the same science to verify the veracity (correctness) of the Atheist philosophy.
1. It came into existence all by itself i.e. this universe is self-created. 2. It is eternal i.e. it was neither created nor will it ever die(cease to exist) 3. It was created by a Creator
Possibility 1 - It came into existence all by itself i.e. this universe is self-created:If we hold that this universe is self-created, then it means that this universe did once not exist and then it came into existence. In other words, this means that this universe created itself when it did not exist. It is like saying that the pen created itself or you (yes you, the reader!) gave birth to yourself. This is logically and scientifically impossible. Hence, we cannot accept that the universe could have created itself.
Possibility 2 – The universe was not created as it existed forever:Let’s assume that this universe is eternal i.e. it has been in existence ‘forever’ and will never end. Then this assumption is false as we all know that the universe was ‘created’ by the virtue of the Big Bang(and this has been experimentally confirmed) and hence had a ‘beginning’ and as per the same Big Bang theory, this universe has to logically suffer a ‘huge crunch’ and then cease to exist i.e. it has to end.
Possibility 3 – The universe was created by a Creator:Now we are only left with the third possibility that this universe was created by a Creator Who is Eternal and All-Powerful. Since the universe had a beginning and since it did not create itself, the only possible option left is that it was created by a Creator who is not a part of this universe and hence is not subject to the laws of the universe. 1. Universe is run according to the laws of nature. The Creator is free from these laws. In fact, since He created this universe, He is logically the Creator of all the laws that govern the universe. 2. Universe has a beginning and ending since it is subject to the laws of space and time. 3. The Creator (God) does not have a beginning or an end, since He is above the laws of space and time. 4. Since the Creator is outside the realm of this universe, His absolute nature cannot be known since our intellect cannot comprehend or understand things that are not a part of this universe. In other words, our thinking is at most limited to this universe and its various components. 5. Since the Creator is above the laws governing the universe (as discussed above), the existence or non-existence of His creation does not affect Him. In other words, the Creator is not affected if this universe meets its end someday.
Atheism and MoralityA just and moral society requires that the individuals living in that society abide by a set of moral laws which are agreed upon by everyone. Atheism rejects the idea of Creator for the universe. So, the responsibility of deciding on the common set of moral laws rests on the people living in that society. The decision on what is good and bad, what is moral and immoral and what is right and wrong are decided by the people living in the society.
The whole moral judgment of the society becomes very subjective as everyone has their own perception of what is good and what is bad. One may say: all humans agree on common moral values like honesty, kindness, justice etc. Although on the face of it, this argument looks fine, it is actually incorrect.
For example: ‘Modesty’ is a common moral value that all human beings agree upon. But, theyardstick to measure modesty keeps on changing from one society to another. For some societies, looking at an opposite sex with lust is immodest; some are fine with looking but consider shaking hands with the opposite sex immodest; some are fine with shaking hands but kissing and hugging the opposite sex is considered immodest; some societies are fine with anything as long as it is done with mutual consent.
We can clearly see from the above that, there is no actual agreement on a common moral value and what is good for one society is considered bad for the other. Incest is considered abhorrent by many countries in the world. However, there are several countries like Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Spain etc which permit Incest. This is another example of disparity amongst the societies regarding what is moral and what is not. When humans are themselves allowed to decide on the moral codes without any yardstick, then, chaos, corruption and disorder in the society will become inevitable.
Hence it logically follows that humans cannot rule or make laws for other humans but they must all agree to follow the laws made by a central, common, wise authority that is aware of human psychology and behaviour.
The manufacturer knows best about the product he manufactures. And who can be more knowing about humans than the God who created the universe. God being our Creator knows what is good or bad, moral and immoral for His creation. Moreover, if men make laws, there is always a ‘huge risk’ of partisanship and narrow-mindedness along with selfish motives. This is so well proved by the governments of the world which operate by the rule of “Might is Right” and try to gain development at the expense of others’ losses.
In a nutshell, Atheism destroys the moral foundations of society totally and hence is a bane for the existence of a peaceful society.
Atheism and EvolutionAtheists rely solely on Theory of Evolution to prove their philosophy. But it must be remembered that Theory of Evolution is ‘just’ a Theory that has no solid scientific or archaeological proofs. Many scientists and thinkers have given sufficient proofs against it.
Who is a Muslim?The Arabic word MUSLIM means ‘anyone who submitsto the LAW of the Creator (i.e., ALLAH)’.
Let us see few things around us in the Nature
A. Sun revolves around the orbit. It follows or submits to the law of the Creator, then Sun is a Muslim.
A. Earth revolves around the orbit. It follows or submits to the law of the Creator, then Earth is a Muslim.
A. Blood circulates in different parts of body. It follows or submits to the law of the Creator, then Blood is a Muslim. Therefore anyone whether nature or things inside human body submits or follows to the LAW OF THE CREATOR then it is called as MUSLIM.
Conclusion 1. Scientific and logical examination of atheism leads to the conclusion that the universe should have a Creator. 2. The Creator of the Universe is independent of the laws of the Universe. 3. The Creator (God) does not have a beginning or an end, since He is above the laws of space and time. 4. The Creator is above the laws governing universe and hence the existence or non-existence of His creation does not affect Him. 5. Atheism does not and cannot believe in absolute morality. 6. Atheism leads to subjective morality which causes destruction to the moral foundations of the society. 7. God, being our Creator knows best about us and hence is the ultimate Law Maker to decide good and bad. 8. Theory of Evolution is a ‘just’ a theory without any scientific and archaeological proofs. Theory of Evolution does not and cannot explain the cause behind the creation of the Universe.